I LOVE MY OB-GYN! It is not very often you will hear that but I am sooooooo blessed. ACTUALLY I have 2 OB's, but I have only seen one of them so far, Dr. Baker. Let me just say...She is amazing! She was so incredibly sweet and made sure I understood everything she was seeing on the ultrasound!
So next was the ultrasound...Baby Bean aka. "blob" pops on the screen and instantly I feel this surge of such joy and happiness, we made it baby, we made it to week 8 and there you are, all blobbish, but you are THERE!!! My handsome and so sweet husband even teared up. I bet 1 million dollars he will shed some mad tears the day Baby Bean makes it's appearance!
So, she measured Bean and it turns out I am 8 WKS 3 DAYS!!! 3 days closer to D-day! Our new due date is December 1st. Baby Bean is perfect in size with a heartbeat of 167ish and to our surprise was MOVING AROUND! YUP, the Bean was dancing to my heartbeat! lol!
Best part of the appointment was to hear Dr. Baker's tell the baby.."you go baby, move around". Now you may wonder why, but I loved that she talked to the baby. She was so personal, I wasn't just another "patient" and Bean wasn't just another "blob" to her.
We got our picture and our appointment ended. Next ultrasound is around 18-20 wks and on the next appointment we get to hear our Bean's heart beat!!
A perfect ending to our day, seeing our baby for the first time! To share in our joy, here is BABY BEAN: