His Profile....

His boy parts..
His boy parts..
Posted by The Humphreys at 10:11 AM 1 comments
We will hopefully be finding out the gender of our little bean! I was kinda bummed we had to wait until week 21 and not week 20 (hey I know it is only a week but it is a big difference to me :o)), Then someone reminded me that it is the same day that Brett and I got in engaged! I totally forgot! I blame it on the pregnancy...lol! So hopefully on our 2 year anniversary of our engagement date we'll be able to find out whether a little girl or boy will be joining us in December!
OH yes! I am pretty sure I have felt baby bean moving around! To me it doesn't feel like fluttering, but like the baby is flicking me from the inside or really small spasms. No matter tho, it is such a great blessing to be able to feel the life God created moving about inside! SO please keep us in your prayer that Baby Bean will cooperate and not be shy and show us his/her goods at the time of the ultrasound!
Posted by The Humphreys at 10:08 AM 0 comments
We are finally in our "OWN" place!!!! I couldn't be more excited and blessed! It was a long nine months but soooo worth it!! Everything fell into place, both monetary wise and our GREAT helpers! I know that this was the perfect timing the Lord had! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH to all of our friends who came over and helped move and paint in the heat especially staying in the house when it had no cool air running! You are such a blessing to us and I pray the Lord blesses you MIGHTILY for giving up of your time and suffering in the heat!! To our families too! For also braving the heat and spending your vacation doing it! Brett and I are WAY excited to journey into this next part of our lives. Then come December we'll have a little one to join us! I CAN'T WAIT to find out if our junior life journey partner will be a girl or boy so we can start decorating its bedroom! 16 more days!!!!!!!!
Thank you Lord for always taking care of Brett and I!
Posted by The Humphreys at 12:20 PM 1 comments
2 more weeks and we'll be half way there! I can't believe how fast it is going! July 22nd is the big day that we find out (pending baby's cooperation) the gender! I am soooo anxious and soooo ready to find out! EVERYBODY asks me everyday if I know I and I want to be able to say YES instead of no.
Exciting news! We finally are moving into the house we have waited NINE months for! We are sooo excited to have the space of a house! I was beginning to feel soooo cramped in the bedroom we've been staying at. Thank you soooo very much to my in-laws for letting us crash their guest bedroom for the last nine months! It was a HUGE blessing!!!
So I am even more anxious now to know the gender of our baby so we can start looking and deciding on decorating ideas. Our good friend is going to paint a mural of our choice once we decided what we want.
How have I been feeling? Well definitely feel more energetic!! Still tired after work, but that probably is normal since I don't really get to take a short nap during the day. I have not "officially" felt the baby move so I think. I have felt little spasm type thingies but not tooo sure if it is the baby or my stomach muscle spasming out from the stretching. Which also brings me to ...I AM GETTING HUGE! My bosses wife keeps asking me if I am having twins. She says I don't look like I gained lots, that my face and other body parts look the same, but just my belly is sticking out (of course you say, you are pregnant, but I think she means more than expected). I don't know what to make of that. I know she means good and is not trying to offend me and I am not, I just don't know. Last time I heard there was only one! LOL! But maybe we are in for a HUGE surprise or maybe I am just going to be HUGE! Either way I don't like the HUGE factor! I didn't quite start off this pregnancy at my "ideal" weight so that could be the BIG factor that makes me look HUGE!
Life is good, we are blessed and very grateful to God for his perfect timing with our home and CAN'T WAIT to find out what the next Humphreys child will be.... a BOY OR GIRL! What do you think??
Posted by The Humphreys at 2:48 PM 1 comments