Saturday, August 1, 2009

REALLY?!?!?! 7 MONTHS OLD?!?!?!

Lately I have been getting that remark (look at blog title if your not sure). People think he is more than 7 months old because they say he is big. To me tho, I think he is not that big... BUT probably because I am comparing him to Jakob, who was a CHUNKER! But I guess Seth is a little chunker too, just not to the extent Jakey was! lol!

So much has happened this month with Seth! He now can get from sitting position to his tummy. The weirdest way ever, but he gets there. He can now for sure say "mama", "dada" and "buba". It actually sounds more like "MAMAMAMAMAMAMA" or "DA or DADADADA" and "BUBBUBUBUBUBUBA". He usually says "mama" while whining, "DADA and Buba" while he is happy. I asked him to please say my name while he is happy if at all!

His top two teeth are coming, well actually one has broken thru already and the other one is about to. He has been introduced to the world of juice! Doesn't really LOVE it but on occasion will drink it. Oh yes and he also can now hold his own bottle!

On 4th of July we headed to Oxnard and it was Seth's first time at the beach and staying at a hotel! He wasn't to fond of the sand or cold water but he loved playing with his toys on the blanket under the umbrella. We also gave him his first hair cut! Brett got out his clippers and we buzzed away his baby hair! Well the ends of it. His hair has been thinning all around his head except for the top. It was thick and full and he was beginning to get the nickname "Donald Trump" because we would have to comb it to the side. So after the nickname surfaced, no way was I going to allow him to look like Donald, so we buzzed away that comb over! He looks so grown up now, but I LOVE IT!

The most recent and bittersweet thing Seth has begun is crawling. Well the very very beginning stages of it. He pushing off with his feet and pulling with his hands to get him around. A few times he was on his knees rocking. YIKES! Time for baby gates!

This week we head to Utah's Zion National Park for camping! Brett and Seth's first time in Zion and Seth's first camping trip. I am a little nervous about camping with a baby (we are in tents) but I am so excited to introduce him to camping and I hope we will make this our annual summer tradition!

Can't leave you without pictures from the last month! Enjoy!!!

He fell asleep during the firework show!

On the ride home from Oxnard.

First time sleeping in a hotel room!

Our little family.

He LOVES his silly daddy!

Cool dude!