Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Delicious Dinner!!

Sooooo...being that it is a new year we decided that it was perfect timing to start fresh and stop eating out soooooo much! Brett and I would eat out at least 3 to 4 days of the week. Cooking just wasn't appealing to me. Laziness I guess you can call it! HOWEVER, I knew it was time to change! There are 2 things I can cook well and feel confident cooking...Salmon and Chili. Unfortunately we can't eat that everyday, so yesterday as I was on Jillian Michaels Website (Biggest Loser Trainer) I was inspired. She gives a week worth of meals with recipes and even a shopping list! It was a heaven sent gift!!! It looked so simple with not too many HUGE cooking words and phrases!

So last night we started our adventure of cooking something other than Salmon or Chili. After work Brett and I headed to the store to buy our items. Brett was a trooper. He didn't want to go, but I pleaded with him and he went. I picked out 2 dinners to test. My goodness it was an expensive trip!!! Having to buy all those spices costs a fortune. I have never in my life spent $88.00 at the grocery store. Yes Yes I know get used to it, BUT STILL we only walked away with only 35 items. Those darn spices were probably about 50% of the bill. Brett reassured me that next time it won't be that expensive for 2 meals cause we would already have those spices in our cupboard. So our shopping trip ended and we headed home to cook our dinner: Cajun Chops!

Best part of the night: my husband WANTED to cook! So we cooked together! I was a little skeptical of our meal cause I really don' t like pork too much. However, Brett does and he loves spicy food so I chose this meal for him. As we started our cooking, the smell of the chops was AMAZING! I was shocked! After about 30 min, it was finally time to try them and my goodness they were delicious! I couldn't believe that we actually pulled it off and the meal came out GOOD! The Lord definitely blessed us last night! And encouraged me that I can cook and it isn't that difficult!

Next on the Menu: Japanese Beef Steak Salad!

I will let you know how that comes out later this weekend. That is the planned cook date :)