Yahoo!! He is here! Jakob made his be debut yesterday June 12th. Third times the charm for my sister. After 2 visits (different days) to Labor and Delivery with contractions and then getting sent home, she was finally admitted the third time and they brought Jakob into the world!

Here is Uncle Brett and Jakob
Jakob with his Pee Pee Tee-Pee. I found this with my mother in law at a store. It covers their little pee-pee so when you change their diaper you won't get a pee-pee bath!
Meet "Saucey Rudolph". Tristan's new puppy. He got him a week ago. Mommy and Daddy get a new baby and Tristan gets a new puppy! Funny thing is Grandma and Poppa got a new granddog too. They are currently babysitting while Mommy and Daddy are in the hospital with Jakob. Saucey is a cutie. He had to warm up the Grandma and Poppa. But looks like they are all acquainted now.
Oh my gosh..I so could have used one of those pee pee tee pee things when Clay was a baby. Why didn't I think of that!! Dang!
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