So we went again yesterday. I drank my Starbucks, but after reading comments from a friend I wish I would have done what she said(orange juice and a chocolate donut). I drink orange juice every morning and he is active after that. DUH Beca! I guess I was soo anxious to see him I thought the Tech knew what she was recommending. Anyway, we did go again and my dear little boy was not planted in my placenta BUT we have come to find out he LOVES LOVES LOVES to have his hands and arms in his face! He let us get a few shots of his face but most of the time we were fighting with him to MOVE MOVE MOVE his arm and hands! As you'll see in one of the pictures he has his whole hand covering his face. Either he is very shy or is a baby with a sense of humor and thinks it's funny to let his Grandma's pay lots of money to see HIS HANDS AND ARMS! LOL! What we did see, lots of chubby cheeks and so far he looks EXACTLY like Brett did when Brett was born(See below to the pictures of the ultrasound of Seth and Brett newborn pic for your opinions). 2 months 2 weeks and 6 days till we find out for sure!
Brett 's Newborn Picture
He is a chubby one! (must get that from!)

Seth with his hand over his face!

Wow, those ultrasounds are amazing!!
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