HOORAY!!! Seth Allyn made his entrance in the world on Dec 10, 2008 at 10:33am. He weighed 8lbs 1o oz and was 22 in long. What a last couple of weeks we have had! Let me tell you a little story...
So as you know Seth was due Dec 1st. Well Dec 1st came and went and he decided that was not the day he would come! My doctor then scheduled an induction date for Dec 8th, one week from my due date and just so happen to be my birthday! We anxiously awaited Dec 8th or were hoping that he would decided to come before then, but again he was not ready to come out so finally Dec 8th came. The way it worked with the hospital and induction is you are on a list and as long as they have enough staff and beds they call the list. I was told I was last on the list, so I expected to be called later in the day. So Monday we anxiously awaited the phone call. My doc office said that if they had not called me by noon to call the office so they could have me come in and monitor Seth to make sure he wasn't under any stress. Well noon came still no call so we went in to my doctor and Seth was perfect. So after that we didn't know what to do with ourselves, waiting is NO FUN! We ate, then decided there was no where we wanted to be, so headed home. I finally called the hospital to find out where I was on the list and come to find out they had not even called the first person on the list. The were BUSY. Later we found out they delivered 24 babies that day.
So Tuesday came and I tried to not get my hopes up that they would call right away. To distract ourselves we picked up Tristan and Jakob and headed to the mall. Then later Corryne and Greg joined us to walk around. We were there for awhile, like 11am to 3pm. At the end of our trip to the mall I called the hospital for a status check and was told I was next in line to be called! We were ecstatic and decided to go home and wait, but again I tried not to get to excited because all I know a rush of women could come in ready to have their babies and I would have to wait. So once home I was tired and went to lay down. About 4:20 pm WE GOT THE CALL! We jumped in the car (as it was already packed) and headed to evict Seth!!
We got into our room about 5pm. The nurse examined me and I was 2-3 cm, 60% effaced and -2 station. We had to wait for the doctor to examine me before they could administer pitocin. My doctor was being covered by another doctor but he was in surgery so we waited. Finally about 7:30pm he came in and checked me. I was the same. Pitocin was started about 8pm. About 12am I got the epidural. The anthesi0logist was going to be leaving to do a couple of surgeries and the said that they said it would be a couple of hours before he would return, so I took the opportunity to get it! IT IS AMAZING! I wasn't in excruciating pain, it just was very uncomfortable, but I knew it would only get worse.
From 12 am to 5pm I was dilated to 4cm but was progressing in the effacement and station stage then about 5:30 I was checked and was 7 cm, 90% effaced. By 6:30 I was completely dilated and ready to go. Unfortunately they wanted him to descend a little more before I started pushing so I wouldn't push forever. So from 6:30am to 8am I had to breathe thru the urges to push. At 8am I was finally able to push! THEN he got stuck on my pelvic bone, so it took me 2.5 hours to push him out. Talk about EXHAUSTING!!! Finally after what seemed like forever he was born! For one second I felt the relief of him being out then I got the most excruciating burning sensation down there. It was so bad I couldn't stop crying! (I know this is TMI but I had to get an epistomoy and he tore me so I had stitches). After what seemed like forever, the doctor was done fixing me up and I finally got to see Seth. Basically from the time I was "breathing thru the urges" till the moment I first held Seth (after the doctor fixed me up) my eyes were closed. It was my way of concentrating and focusing. So I didn't see him come out but I did hear his cries as I was crying (again while I was being fixed). When I finally got to see him and hold him it was amazing! We are sooooo happy and blessed he is finally here! What a long journey! Here are some pictures from the big day :)
So as you know Seth was due Dec 1st. Well Dec 1st came and went and he decided that was not the day he would come! My doctor then scheduled an induction date for Dec 8th, one week from my due date and just so happen to be my birthday! We anxiously awaited Dec 8th or were hoping that he would decided to come before then, but again he was not ready to come out so finally Dec 8th came. The way it worked with the hospital and induction is you are on a list and as long as they have enough staff and beds they call the list. I was told I was last on the list, so I expected to be called later in the day. So Monday we anxiously awaited the phone call. My doc office said that if they had not called me by noon to call the office so they could have me come in and monitor Seth to make sure he wasn't under any stress. Well noon came still no call so we went in to my doctor and Seth was perfect. So after that we didn't know what to do with ourselves, waiting is NO FUN! We ate, then decided there was no where we wanted to be, so headed home. I finally called the hospital to find out where I was on the list and come to find out they had not even called the first person on the list. The were BUSY. Later we found out they delivered 24 babies that day.
So Tuesday came and I tried to not get my hopes up that they would call right away. To distract ourselves we picked up Tristan and Jakob and headed to the mall. Then later Corryne and Greg joined us to walk around. We were there for awhile, like 11am to 3pm. At the end of our trip to the mall I called the hospital for a status check and was told I was next in line to be called! We were ecstatic and decided to go home and wait, but again I tried not to get to excited because all I know a rush of women could come in ready to have their babies and I would have to wait. So once home I was tired and went to lay down. About 4:20 pm WE GOT THE CALL! We jumped in the car (as it was already packed) and headed to evict Seth!!
We got into our room about 5pm. The nurse examined me and I was 2-3 cm, 60% effaced and -2 station. We had to wait for the doctor to examine me before they could administer pitocin. My doctor was being covered by another doctor but he was in surgery so we waited. Finally about 7:30pm he came in and checked me. I was the same. Pitocin was started about 8pm. About 12am I got the epidural. The anthesi0logist was going to be leaving to do a couple of surgeries and the said that they said it would be a couple of hours before he would return, so I took the opportunity to get it! IT IS AMAZING! I wasn't in excruciating pain, it just was very uncomfortable, but I knew it would only get worse.
From 12 am to 5pm I was dilated to 4cm but was progressing in the effacement and station stage then about 5:30 I was checked and was 7 cm, 90% effaced. By 6:30 I was completely dilated and ready to go. Unfortunately they wanted him to descend a little more before I started pushing so I wouldn't push forever. So from 6:30am to 8am I had to breathe thru the urges to push. At 8am I was finally able to push! THEN he got stuck on my pelvic bone, so it took me 2.5 hours to push him out. Talk about EXHAUSTING!!! Finally after what seemed like forever he was born! For one second I felt the relief of him being out then I got the most excruciating burning sensation down there. It was so bad I couldn't stop crying! (I know this is TMI but I had to get an epistomoy and he tore me so I had stitches). After what seemed like forever, the doctor was done fixing me up and I finally got to see Seth. Basically from the time I was "breathing thru the urges" till the moment I first held Seth (after the doctor fixed me up) my eyes were closed. It was my way of concentrating and focusing. So I didn't see him come out but I did hear his cries as I was crying (again while I was being fixed). When I finally got to see him and hold him it was amazing! We are sooooo happy and blessed he is finally here! What a long journey! Here are some pictures from the big day :)
Waiting to start the Pitocin
Breathing thru the urges to push
Just delivered.JPG)
Momma and Baby Seth meeting outside the womb!.JPG)
Daddy and Baby Seth meeting eachother!
Day 2 of Seth's life and going home day!!
Holding his head up! Such a strong boy!
Ready to go!
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