Thursday, October 23, 2008

34 weeks 3 days...

Almost there is what I keep telling myself :o) These last few weeks have been hard. He is getting bigger and I am more achy and tired. I have gotten to that part of the pregnancy where I don't sleep, I wake up all night long. Not because of Seth moving but because sleeping on my side causes pain to my body. So I am constantly turning from one side to the other. Thankfully I have one more work week and then maternity leave!!!

Oh yes, as of our last doctor's appointment (33 weeks), I am measuring a little over 2 weeks ahead! I gain no weight, although I think this next appointment I will have :o( The last 3 appointments I have see all 3 doctors in the office. The first and second agreed that if I continued to measure further along they would do an ultrasound to see how much the little guy is weighing. When I went to the last appointment I had to tell they doctor what the other 2 had said. He agreed and said if he was weighing on the heavier side that they would deliver early. YAHOO! But he said no use doing an ultrasound at that appointment because I am only 33 weeks and they can't deliver him then. So we'll see what happens at this next appointment next week. I will be 35 weeks and a baby is considered full term at 37 weeks. So hopefully Seth will be here if he is a big little guy around 38 weeks! That is my hope at least :):):) If so he'll be here just in time for Thanksgiving!

Here are a few pictures from my baby shower on October 11th. Oh yes I have another one this Saturday thrown by my lovely mother in law, sister in law and cousin in law!

Seth's bedding!
Blanket made by good friends of ours!

The cooks of the day...yes I help marinate the tri tip and chicken!

My mother in law and me!

My wonderful sister and the amazing diaper cake and deserts she made!