Thursday, October 16, 2008

Baby Shower #1 & Family Update

SOOOO...last week defintely was an eventful, stressful and emotional week. Thank the Lord we made it thru okay!

The week started off with me having the stomach flu! Like in my previous post it was horrible and I wish that on no one, especially a 8 month pregnant lady!!!

Come Wednesday my boss found out that the business is not going so well and so the corporate office cut everyone hours in half! That was a surprise. Especially since the way Brett and I have it worked out my paycheck pays the rent! BUT Praise the Lord, He never leaves you stranded when you are faithful to him. He is my provider, my Jevoah Jirah and I know he will provide all of our needs! I was planning on leaving for maternity leave in the middle of November, but now that this has developed I decided to go ahead and take the full 4 weeks before Seth due date instead of 2. Today is our doctor's appointment and I am going to make sure that will work out.

Then Wednesday night I get a call from my sister. My dad is in the hospital in Florida (he was on a business trip). He has blood clots! My dad had not been feeling well, having a hard time breathing and so he went to Kaiser the week before and with the symptoms my dad described he was diagnosed with Asthma. At the time my dad's leg was not in pain. Well after the flight to Florida and a couple days there he had horrible pain in his leg and ended up going to the hospital. THANK THE LORD he did because it ended up he had blood clots in his legs, lungs and his coronary artery! The doctor was shocked he wasn't already doing CPR on my dad, if he didn't go to the hospital he would have had a massive heart attack that could have killed him, possibly even that night!

You think your parents are invincible and will always be there, but this was a reality check for sure! We almost lost my dad, and with Seth being here in approx a month and half! I am sooooo grateful that the Lord was with my dad and He allowed him more time here!!! I want Seth to know my dad and to be able to play ball with him, tristan, and jakob. To be able remember his Poppa Rick! So please keep my dad in your prayers, that the clots will melt away as I like to say and that he will not be on blood thinner the rest of his life (those are scary too!) I know anything is possible with the Lord! He is our healer too! Also please pray the the Lord will give the doctor out here wisdom to do all he can for my dad. In the 5 days my dad was there he lost sooo much weight, I almost didn't recongnize him!

Well Saturday we continued with the planned baby shower #1 and it was beautiful, and we were blessed. My sister did an amazing job at decorating and planning. My momma too even tho she was unable to be there (she flew out to Florida the next day after finding out my dad was in the hospital). I have a few pictures that I will have to add later. My mother in law, sister in law and cousin in law have planned another baby shower for us on the 25th and I thankfully my parents are back from Florida and can attend that one :)