Tuesday, March 3, 2009

12 Weeks Old!!

Time is sure flying by! I can't believe my little boy is 12 weeks old!!!!

Seth is doing amazing. He eats like a champ..lol! He is smiling and talking and now has a fixation of watching TV. Not something we purposely planned. Ever since he had been able to see object far away, his eyes always gravitate toward the TV. It is probably the flashing of many colors and noises. So we have introduced Baby Einstein DVDs. They are great for when Mommy needs to take a shower. Today I put him in his swing and stuck it in front of the the TV and played the DVD. Ran and took a shower and as I was drying off I could hear Seth talking to the TV.

Oh yeah and Seth totally loves little kids. He will smile and talk up a storm to any child. He loves to watch them jump around also.

For awhile he tricked us and started to sleep from 11pm to about 6:30-7am. But that has recently changed. He still usually will go to sleep about 10-11pm and wake up at 3-4am. Still a good 5 hours but the extra 2 hours would be nice. Unfortuntely I usually still have to get up and pump so I don't really get that full 5 hour sleep, or 7 if he decides to sleep longer. I keep telling my self it is worth it for him to get breastmilk instead of formula for now. However when I go back to work we'll see if my mentality will change.

Very recently too Seth has started to laugh when we tickle him or "play boxing" with Seth and Jakob or Seth and one of Tristan's stuffed animals. It is soooo cute!

Here are a few pictures:

My lil' man!!

whatcha want daddy?

Relaxing in the tub

Before washing his hair

Seth with Moe!