Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Okay so I know I haven't been blogging much about Brett and I and our lives. But lately as I have been reading my Bible and getting emails of scriptures and etc they have been touching my heart and therefore pushing me to share them with those who read this. I don't know maybe it is something you need to hear today. A word that may give you strength, bring joy back to your heart or peace or maybe even convict your heart, Lord knows how much that happens to me! But I am happy when I feel convicted cause I know it is for my own good. To change me and make me a better sister, wife, friend, and daughter to my parents and mostly to my God. So here you go :)

Some quotes I read in "The Daily Bread"

~Christ was broken for us to comfort the broken among us~

~At the heart of all conflict is a selfish heart~

~God cannot prosper those who try to cover sin and wrong deny; But all who humbly will confess, the Savior with His love will bless.~
- D. De Haan n