Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Birth Story! (a little late but better than never!)

HOORAY!!! Seth Allyn made his entrance in the world on Dec 10, 2008 at 10:33am. He weighed 8lbs 1o oz and was 22 in long. What a last couple of weeks we have had! Let me tell you a little story...

So as you know Seth was due Dec 1st. Well Dec 1st came and went and he decided that was not the day he would come! My doctor then scheduled an induction date for Dec 8th, one week from my due date and just so happen to be my birthday! We anxiously awaited Dec 8th or were hoping that he would decided to come before then, but again he was not ready to come out so finally Dec 8th came. The way it worked with the hospital and induction is you are on a list and as long as they have enough staff and beds they call the list. I was told I was last on the list, so I expected to be called later in the day. So Monday we anxiously awaited the phone call. My doc office said that if they had not called me by noon to call the office so they could have me come in and monitor Seth to make sure he wasn't under any stress. Well noon came still no call so we went in to my doctor and Seth was perfect. So after that we didn't know what to do with ourselves, waiting is NO FUN! We ate, then decided there was no where we wanted to be, so headed home. I finally called the hospital to find out where I was on the list and come to find out they had not even called the first person on the list. The were BUSY. Later we found out they delivered 24 babies that day.

So Tuesday came and I tried to not get my hopes up that they would call right away. To distract ourselves we picked up Tristan and Jakob and headed to the mall. Then later Corryne and Greg joined us to walk around. We were there for awhile, like 11am to 3pm. At the end of our trip to the mall I called the hospital for a status check and was told I was next in line to be called! We were ecstatic and decided to go home and wait, but again I tried not to get to excited because all I know a rush of women could come in ready to have their babies and I would have to wait. So once home I was tired and went to lay down. About 4:20 pm WE GOT THE CALL! We jumped in the car (as it was already packed) and headed to evict Seth!!

We got into our room about 5pm. The nurse examined me and I was 2-3 cm, 60% effaced and -2 station. We had to wait for the doctor to examine me before they could administer pitocin. My doctor was being covered by another doctor but he was in surgery so we waited. Finally about 7:30pm he came in and checked me. I was the same. Pitocin was started about 8pm. About 12am I got the epidural. The anthesi0logist was going to be leaving to do a couple of surgeries and the said that they said it would be a couple of hours before he would return, so I took the opportunity to get it! IT IS AMAZING! I wasn't in excruciating pain, it just was very uncomfortable, but I knew it would only get worse.

From 12 am to 5pm I was dilated to 4cm but was progressing in the effacement and station stage then about 5:30 I was checked and was 7 cm, 90% effaced. By 6:30 I was completely dilated and ready to go. Unfortunately they wanted him to descend a little more before I started pushing so I wouldn't push forever. So from 6:30am to 8am I had to breathe thru the urges to push. At 8am I was finally able to push! THEN he got stuck on my pelvic bone, so it took me 2.5 hours to push him out. Talk about EXHAUSTING!!! Finally after what seemed like forever he was born! For one second I felt the relief of him being out then I got the most excruciating burning sensation down there. It was so bad I couldn't stop crying! (I know this is TMI but I had to get an epistomoy and he tore me so I had stitches). After what seemed like forever, the doctor was done fixing me up and I finally got to see Seth. Basically from the time I was "breathing thru the urges" till the moment I first held Seth (after the doctor fixed me up) my eyes were closed. It was my way of concentrating and focusing. So I didn't see him come out but I did hear his cries as I was crying (again while I was being fixed). When I finally got to see him and hold him it was amazing! We are sooooo happy and blessed he is finally here! What a long journey! Here are some pictures from the big day :)

Waiting to start the Pitocin

Breathing thru the urges to push

Just delivered

Momma and Baby Seth meeting outside the womb!

Daddy and Baby Seth meeting eachother!

Day 2 of Seth's life and going home day!!

Holding his head up! Such a strong boy!

Ready to go!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Just around the corner!!

It's been awhile since I last here it goes.

I am 39 weeks 5 days. I have been dialated to 2 cm and 75% effaced for 2 weeks. Doing all I can to aide Seth in getting here as quick as possible! The pressure, pains and hard time getting up has taken its toll. This last week they did an ultrasound and estimated his weight at 7lbs 7ounces. Hopefully he won't get much bigger. If he isn't here by Monday (his due date and my next doc appointment) then they will schedule induction date for a week later...which is MY BIRTHDAY! My mom said if he is born on my birthday she has to go buy a lottery ticket because what are the odds of having both of her daughters have their first child, boys, on their birthdays (Corryne had Tristan on her 21st birthday!). We shall see!

I went on maternity leave on November 3rd and became Jakob (my nephew's) day care provider till Seth is born. It has been great! Yes tiring but I LOVE that little guy so it is worth it to spend some time with him like I did Tristan when Tristan was a baby. Jakob is such a happy baby so it is easy to take care of him. He loves to smile and laugh and it just makes my day that much brighter! :)

Greg graduated from Culinary Arts School early this month. We are sooo very proud of him! Oh yes and my dad is doing good, PRAISE THE LORD! We are all sooo thankful he is still here with us.

This Thanksgiving was very nice and laid back. We had our first "Turkey Dinner" at 1pm with Brett's family. Then at 4pm we had our second with my family. Let's just say we were TOTALLY stuffed by the end of the day! My sister and I decided to hit the "Black Friday" sales. Yes I was up at 3am, out shopping at 4am. There was a few items I wanted but mostly I went to get LOTS of walking in. We shopped from 4am to about 12pm, with a breakfast break with our dad. Then I took like a 3 hour nap and went to Kohls and dinner with Brett around 5pm. We came home and decided to then decorate the inside of our home. I couldn't believe the energy spurt, but if gave me hope that JUST maybe Seth is coming, like within the next day or so, or maybe he is just giving me false hope.

I hope you all had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving with your families.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

34 weeks 3 days...

Almost there is what I keep telling myself :o) These last few weeks have been hard. He is getting bigger and I am more achy and tired. I have gotten to that part of the pregnancy where I don't sleep, I wake up all night long. Not because of Seth moving but because sleeping on my side causes pain to my body. So I am constantly turning from one side to the other. Thankfully I have one more work week and then maternity leave!!!

Oh yes, as of our last doctor's appointment (33 weeks), I am measuring a little over 2 weeks ahead! I gain no weight, although I think this next appointment I will have :o( The last 3 appointments I have see all 3 doctors in the office. The first and second agreed that if I continued to measure further along they would do an ultrasound to see how much the little guy is weighing. When I went to the last appointment I had to tell they doctor what the other 2 had said. He agreed and said if he was weighing on the heavier side that they would deliver early. YAHOO! But he said no use doing an ultrasound at that appointment because I am only 33 weeks and they can't deliver him then. So we'll see what happens at this next appointment next week. I will be 35 weeks and a baby is considered full term at 37 weeks. So hopefully Seth will be here if he is a big little guy around 38 weeks! That is my hope at least :):):) If so he'll be here just in time for Thanksgiving!

Here are a few pictures from my baby shower on October 11th. Oh yes I have another one this Saturday thrown by my lovely mother in law, sister in law and cousin in law!

Seth's bedding!
Blanket made by good friends of ours!

The cooks of the day...yes I help marinate the tri tip and chicken!

My mother in law and me!

My wonderful sister and the amazing diaper cake and deserts she made!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Baby Shower #1 & Family Update

SOOOO...last week defintely was an eventful, stressful and emotional week. Thank the Lord we made it thru okay!

The week started off with me having the stomach flu! Like in my previous post it was horrible and I wish that on no one, especially a 8 month pregnant lady!!!

Come Wednesday my boss found out that the business is not going so well and so the corporate office cut everyone hours in half! That was a surprise. Especially since the way Brett and I have it worked out my paycheck pays the rent! BUT Praise the Lord, He never leaves you stranded when you are faithful to him. He is my provider, my Jevoah Jirah and I know he will provide all of our needs! I was planning on leaving for maternity leave in the middle of November, but now that this has developed I decided to go ahead and take the full 4 weeks before Seth due date instead of 2. Today is our doctor's appointment and I am going to make sure that will work out.

Then Wednesday night I get a call from my sister. My dad is in the hospital in Florida (he was on a business trip). He has blood clots! My dad had not been feeling well, having a hard time breathing and so he went to Kaiser the week before and with the symptoms my dad described he was diagnosed with Asthma. At the time my dad's leg was not in pain. Well after the flight to Florida and a couple days there he had horrible pain in his leg and ended up going to the hospital. THANK THE LORD he did because it ended up he had blood clots in his legs, lungs and his coronary artery! The doctor was shocked he wasn't already doing CPR on my dad, if he didn't go to the hospital he would have had a massive heart attack that could have killed him, possibly even that night!

You think your parents are invincible and will always be there, but this was a reality check for sure! We almost lost my dad, and with Seth being here in approx a month and half! I am sooooo grateful that the Lord was with my dad and He allowed him more time here!!! I want Seth to know my dad and to be able to play ball with him, tristan, and jakob. To be able remember his Poppa Rick! So please keep my dad in your prayers, that the clots will melt away as I like to say and that he will not be on blood thinner the rest of his life (those are scary too!) I know anything is possible with the Lord! He is our healer too! Also please pray the the Lord will give the doctor out here wisdom to do all he can for my dad. In the 5 days my dad was there he lost sooo much weight, I almost didn't recongnize him!

Well Saturday we continued with the planned baby shower #1 and it was beautiful, and we were blessed. My sister did an amazing job at decorating and planning. My momma too even tho she was unable to be there (she flew out to Florida the next day after finding out my dad was in the hospital). I have a few pictures that I will have to add later. My mother in law, sister in law and cousin in law have planned another baby shower for us on the 25th and I thankfully my parents are back from Florida and can attend that one :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

In my 32 weeks of being pregnant...

I have not thrown up once! But as the clock struck 12 on the first day of my 32nd week I was in the bathroom thinking to my I dying!?!?!?!

No not dying...just a bad case of the STOMACH FLU! Eww and gross!!

I haven't gotten sick like that in a couple of years. Maybe more than a couple years, like 2004 is the last time I was that sick...Of course it waits until I am pregnant and not just a few weeks pregnant but 32 weeks pregnant to hit me! I can honestly say that was a HORRIBLE experience! My poor baby would not stop moving all night long (due to massive noise coming from his mommies insides...) although I can say I was relieved he was moving so much because it did reassurre me that he was still hanging on despite the torture his mother was enduring! :o) Thank the Lord it was only the 24 hour bug. Now my poor husband has caught it. Lucky for him tho he isn't 32 weeks pregnant! LOL!

Let's see, since my last update we celebrated our 1 year anniversary. It was a nice relaxing weekend. Watched our nephews, went out to dinner, drove to Babies R Us and finished registering and bought our swing (so Jakob could be our guinna pig and test it out for us!) and ended the weekend relaxed and with a doctor's appointment. I am currently measuring 2 weeks ahead, so if I continue to measure that way there will be an ultrasound to check out Seth growth and weight which I hope means if he is getting too big....they will GET HIM OUT EARLY! But just my luck he will be 2 weeks late like his momma was :)

Looking forward to this Saturday, my first baby shower thrown by my mom and sister! Yay!! Then on the 25th my mom in law, sister-in-law and cousin in law are throwing me and Brett another shower for that whole side of the fam. I can't wait! Then after that it will be count down time! 5 weeks till D-Day!!!! Crazy! :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

30 weeks down 10 to go!

So on Monday I started my 30th week of pregnancy. Let me just say I AM SOOO TIRED and ACHY! Sleeping has become so very uncomfortable. Mostly due to my achy back and upper buttocks/hips. Seth is rolling around, thank God not too much at night. His active times are between 9am-1pm. I most defintely will miss the feeling of him moving after he is born. That is my favorite part of pregnancy. Everything else is NOT fun at all :o)

In other news...we will be celebrating our FIRST ANNIVERSARY next Monday (Sept 29th). This year has flown by! We are taking a four day weekend to rest and maybe venture out, but for sure rest! :)

Nothing else new on the home front.... :o)

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Results are in....

So we went again yesterday. I drank my Starbucks, but after reading comments from a friend I wish I would have done what she said(orange juice and a chocolate donut). I drink orange juice every morning and he is active after that. DUH Beca! I guess I was soo anxious to see him I thought the Tech knew what she was recommending. Anyway, we did go again and my dear little boy was not planted in my placenta BUT we have come to find out he LOVES LOVES LOVES to have his hands and arms in his face! He let us get a few shots of his face but most of the time we were fighting with him to MOVE MOVE MOVE his arm and hands! As you'll see in one of the pictures he has his whole hand covering his face. Either he is very shy or is a baby with a sense of humor and thinks it's funny to let his Grandma's pay lots of money to see HIS HANDS AND ARMS! LOL! What we did see, lots of chubby cheeks and so far he looks EXACTLY like Brett did when Brett was born(See below to the pictures of the ultrasound of Seth and Brett newborn pic for your opinions). 2 months 2 weeks and 6 days till we find out for sure!

Brett 's Newborn Picture

Seth (looks just like Brett!)

He is a chubby one! (must get that from!)

Chubbo Cheeks!

Smiling or Smirking...

Seth with his hand over his face!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My dear dear son!

So as you all know, well if you read one of my previous blogs you'll! Our first attempt to see Seth was a no-go due to the imaging clinic getting robbed. Well Tuesday we went to a totally different imagining clinic. Luckily they did not get robbed, so we get into the room and she started the ultrasound. My dear son decided today was the day to PLANT his face in my placenta and NOT MOVE AT ALL! We did all we could to make him move but he was stubborn and would not budge (a trait that must come from his! I Love you babe!) As if that wasn't enough he decided to also put his arms in front of his face. The ultrasound tech got one semi-decent picture before the arms, but once the arms were up, the ultrasound can not penetrate thru bone. Needless to say it was not very successful. Thank the Lord they give 2nd attempts, so we go again on today. This time I am going to drink a Starbucks (loaded with sugar) before I go! OH YES, I forgot the only thing my son was willing to show us was HIS GOODS!
Here are a few of the pics...

Half of his face...
Looks like he is smirking..."Haha Mom and Dad..."
The only good shot...HIS GOODS!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Third Trimester....Here I come!

So it is official! I have entered into my third trimester! 2 months 3 Weeks 1 day until D-Day! Of course that is his due date, I am praying he DOESN'T come later than that. It is wonderful to feel a little person growing inside, but the aches and pains that come with it I am OVER! :o)
There is no waiting either when you hit the third trimester! I am now tired again, and I feel my energy declining. (it could be I get up at least 3 times a night to use the ladies room and then have wake up early for work). However, I keep reminding myself it will be all worth it in the end to see and hold Seth.

Today is our second attempt to see Seth via 4D. I am trying not to get my hopes up. I don't want them to be dashed again! Good sign tho was the Imagining Center called me yesterday to confirm the appointment today. It is gonna be crazy to be able to see him!

Ah! and he has begun to share his elbow/heel/knee/foot (not sure which one) with me. Yesterday for the first time I felt it glide across my stomach. He has been a baby that has laid real low in the moving department. But as he is getting bigger and probably running out of space he is moving higher up. Finally my loved ones will be able to feel him move around!

I will be sure to post pictures of the 4D as soon as I can!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Dissapointing Thursday!

So yesterday we had our 4-D Ultrasound scheduled. It was at 5pm. All day we anticipated 5pm coming and then being able to see Baby Seth. Well I left work at 4:30 drove all the way to West Palmdale (I work in Lancaster) and as I get there I see my sister coming toward my car. The center was "CLOSED DUE TO ROBBERY"!!! Robbery?!?!?!? So we didn't get to see Baby Seth. I was a litte upset they didn't call their appointments. What if I was driving from Tehachapi or far away. Unless their computer system was stolen, or somebody died, that is bad customer service! Anyway, we scheduled another appointment with another place for Sept 9th. The new place told me they recommended doing the 4-D between 28 weeks and 32 weeks. So we'll get a better view of Seth and what he looks like! We just have to be patient for 1 more week and a few days. :o)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

26 Weeks 2 days!

So tomorrow is the big day! The first of our 2 4-D ultrasounds. The next one will be around 31 weeks. We are sooo very excited! I'll be sure and post pictures as soon as I can, probably Friday.

Also our 1st baby shower has a date. October 11th!! This shower will be thrown by my mom and sister and then my amazing mother in law is throwing us another one sometime in late October. Yay!! I can't wait to see everyone and celebrate Seth.

Oh yes we picked out a bedding we like and are registered for it. Wahoo! See the picture below :o) I love it because it is different design then I have seen and because of the blue, beige and brown! LOL! I can't wait to decorate. Our good friend has told us he will draw whatever mural we like on the wall and so I certainly can't wait to see how that comes out!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Random Pictures over the last few months!

Corryne and Tristan watching fireworks at AV Fair Grounds

Ventura County Fair

Hanging out by the pool
Jakob is 2 months old!

My belly at 25 weeks 2 days!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Here we are at week 25!!!!!

Time is sure flying by!!!! I remember being 10 weeks along and thinking how far away 25 weeks was and here it is! Baby Seth is gonna be here sooooo fast! It is weird to think in 15 weeks he will be god-willing be here and we'll be a little family! CRAZY!!

Baby updates...Well he moves and moves. Brett FINALLY got to feel him kick For the last 3 weeks Brett has tried to feel it but Seth would stop when Brett would lay his hand on my stomach and then will start up again once Brett walked away. Poor Brett he was beginning to think Seth didn't like him :o( But then one night before going to sleep, I was on my side and Seth was going crazy and I motioned Brett to put his hand on (didn't want to talk so Seth couldn't here me tell!) and Brett felt Seth. For a good 3 or 4 minutes! We were happy! The lucky #2 person to feel Seth was my sister Corryne. Last night we went to see our parents who just returned from Hawaii, and we were hanging out and Seth started to move, so my sister comes over and puts her hand on and he stops. So Corryne tells Seth that he better kick or she isn't going to finish planning our baby shower and he won't get any gifts. I kid you not he kicked as soon as she finished! It was classic!!!

We have our 4D Ultrasound on the 28th so I will be sure to post pictures of that. We are sooo anxious to see him in 4D! What will he look like? AHHH the anticipation!

Another crazy thing is next month will be our 1 year anniversary!!! This time last year we were planning our wedding and now we will be planning for our son's arrival!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

23 Weeks and a sad sad belly day!

Yesterday I began my 23rd week. 17 more to go! Well today at work I was in the bathroom and there is a body length mirror and I just happen to see this reddish mark on my belly and to my sad sad surprise the stretch marks have come! I saw faint ones last week and since then have be lathering up on "tummy butter". But I was too late! They are now turning that purplish red color! AHHHH!!! Good thing little Seth will be worth all this!

Oh yeah by the way we have a name! I forgot to post it on here and in case you didn't know. Baby Bean is Seth Allyn Humphreys! Allyn is after his Dad and Grandpa Rick who both have the middle name of Alan/Allen. So we decided instead of choosing which spelling of the two to use, we will look up other forms of spelling it.

Well here is a picture of what little Seth should be looking like at 23 weeks...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

It's a .....

BOY!!!! We'll be welcoming a little boy December 1st(give or take depending on how much he wants to come out :))! We are so very excited! I did want a girl, but I am sooo blessed that the Lord knows what he is doing and we are being blessed with a little boy! Everything looks good and he is one little active guy. Both the ultrasound tech and doctor said we have much to look forward to. It is sooo weird to finally know that I have a little boy growing inside! I can't wait to meet him!

Lucky for little Baby Bean (we have no boy names picked out yet) he will have 2 boy cousins to play with and get into lots of trouble with! We also realized that Humphreys men prefer to make little boys than!!!

Oh yeah and apparently the Chinese Calendar is correct. My mom will never let me forget that! I was really hoping to prove that darn calendar!!!

So here are a few pictures of our little guy!

His Profile....

His boy parts..

Monday, July 14, 2008

1 week and 1 day..

We will hopefully be finding out the gender of our little bean! I was kinda bummed we had to wait until week 21 and not week 20 (hey I know it is only a week but it is a big difference to me :o)), Then someone reminded me that it is the same day that Brett and I got in engaged! I totally forgot! I blame it on the! So hopefully on our 2 year anniversary of our engagement date we'll be able to find out whether a little girl or boy will be joining us in December!

OH yes! I am pretty sure I have felt baby bean moving around! To me it doesn't feel like fluttering, but like the baby is flicking me from the inside or really small spasms. No matter tho, it is such a great blessing to be able to feel the life God created moving about inside! SO please keep us in your prayer that Baby Bean will cooperate and not be shy and show us his/her goods at the time of the ultrasound!

Monday, July 7, 2008


We are finally in our "OWN" place!!!! I couldn't be more excited and blessed! It was a long nine months but soooo worth it!! Everything fell into place, both monetary wise and our GREAT helpers! I know that this was the perfect timing the Lord had! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH to all of our friends who came over and helped move and paint in the heat especially staying in the house when it had no cool air running! You are such a blessing to us and I pray the Lord blesses you MIGHTILY for giving up of your time and suffering in the heat!! To our families too! For also braving the heat and spending your vacation doing it! Brett and I are WAY excited to journey into this next part of our lives. Then come December we'll have a little one to join us! I CAN'T WAIT to find out if our junior life journey partner will be a girl or boy so we can start decorating its bedroom! 16 more days!!!!!!!!

Thank you Lord for always taking care of Brett and I!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Week 18!!

2 more weeks and we'll be half way there! I can't believe how fast it is going! July 22nd is the big day that we find out (pending baby's cooperation) the gender! I am soooo anxious and soooo ready to find out! EVERYBODY asks me everyday if I know I and I want to be able to say YES instead of no.

Exciting news! We finally are moving into the house we have waited NINE months for! We are sooo excited to have the space of a house! I was beginning to feel soooo cramped in the bedroom we've been staying at. Thank you soooo very much to my in-laws for letting us crash their guest bedroom for the last nine months! It was a HUGE blessing!!!

So I am even more anxious now to know the gender of our baby so we can start looking and deciding on decorating ideas. Our good friend is going to paint a mural of our choice once we decided what we want.

How have I been feeling? Well definitely feel more energetic!! Still tired after work, but that probably is normal since I don't really get to take a short nap during the day. I have not "officially" felt the baby move so I think. I have felt little spasm type thingies but not tooo sure if it is the baby or my stomach muscle spasming out from the stretching. Which also brings me to ...I AM GETTING HUGE! My bosses wife keeps asking me if I am having twins. She says I don't look like I gained lots, that my face and other body parts look the same, but just my belly is sticking out (of course you say, you are pregnant, but I think she means more than expected). I don't know what to make of that. I know she means good and is not trying to offend me and I am not, I just don't know. Last time I heard there was only one! LOL! But maybe we are in for a HUGE surprise or maybe I am just going to be HUGE! Either way I don't like the HUGE factor! I didn't quite start off this pregnancy at my "ideal" weight so that could be the BIG factor that makes me look HUGE!

Life is good, we are blessed and very grateful to God for his perfect timing with our home and CAN'T WAIT to find out what the next Humphreys child will be.... a BOY OR GIRL! What do you think??

Friday, June 20, 2008

Feeding Time!

Jakob is a week old! Here is his week old picture:

Tristan has finally warmed up to Jakob and to the fact that he is his little brother. Yesterday, while visiting and helping my sister, Tristan wanted to help feed him. We were SOOO excited, here are some pictures of the BIG

Here are a couple of Tristan lovin' on Jakob! Sooo precious!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A few more of Jakob & Tristan

Such a ham Tristan is!!
Helping carry Jakob to Mommy
The sleeping little men of my life!

It is as if he is gesturing "Pick me, Pick me I know the answer"

Friday, June 13, 2008

Introducing.....JAKOB RICHARD

Yahoo!! He is here! Jakob made his be debut yesterday June 12th. Third times the charm for my sister. After 2 visits (different days) to Labor and Delivery with contractions and then getting sent home, she was finally admitted the third time and they brought Jakob into the world!

He weighed in at 6lbs 13oz, measuring 19in.

So far he is a cry free baby. See the video below. He got a shot in his foot and was having blood taken and not a peep from him.

Here is Uncle Brett and Jakob

Jakob with his Pee Pee Tee-Pee. I found this with my mother in law at a store. It covers their little pee-pee so when you change their diaper you won't get a pee-pee bath!

Meet "Saucey Rudolph". Tristan's new puppy. He got him a week ago. Mommy and Daddy get a new baby and Tristan gets a new puppy! Funny thing is Grandma and Poppa got a new granddog too. They are currently babysitting while Mommy and Daddy are in the hospital with Jakob. Saucey is a cutie. He had to warm up the Grandma and Poppa. But looks like they are all acquainted now.