Monday, July 14, 2008

1 week and 1 day..

We will hopefully be finding out the gender of our little bean! I was kinda bummed we had to wait until week 21 and not week 20 (hey I know it is only a week but it is a big difference to me :o)), Then someone reminded me that it is the same day that Brett and I got in engaged! I totally forgot! I blame it on the! So hopefully on our 2 year anniversary of our engagement date we'll be able to find out whether a little girl or boy will be joining us in December!

OH yes! I am pretty sure I have felt baby bean moving around! To me it doesn't feel like fluttering, but like the baby is flicking me from the inside or really small spasms. No matter tho, it is such a great blessing to be able to feel the life God created moving about inside! SO please keep us in your prayer that Baby Bean will cooperate and not be shy and show us his/her goods at the time of the ultrasound!