Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Third Trimester....Here I come!

So it is official! I have entered into my third trimester! 2 months 3 Weeks 1 day until D-Day! Of course that is his due date, I am praying he DOESN'T come later than that. It is wonderful to feel a little person growing inside, but the aches and pains that come with it I am OVER! :o)
There is no waiting either when you hit the third trimester! I am now tired again, and I feel my energy declining. (it could be I get up at least 3 times a night to use the ladies room and then have wake up early for work). However, I keep reminding myself it will be all worth it in the end to see and hold Seth.

Today is our second attempt to see Seth via 4D. I am trying not to get my hopes up. I don't want them to be dashed again! Good sign tho was the Imagining Center called me yesterday to confirm the appointment today. It is gonna be crazy to be able to see him!

Ah! and he has begun to share his elbow/heel/knee/foot (not sure which one) with me. Yesterday for the first time I felt it glide across my stomach. He has been a baby that has laid real low in the moving department. But as he is getting bigger and probably running out of space he is moving higher up. Finally my loved ones will be able to feel him move around!

I will be sure to post pictures of the 4D as soon as I can!